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Jillian Harris And Ed Swiderski: Engagement Turmoil

Millions of people watched them get engaged last week on ABC’s “The Bachelorette,” and Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski are already in turmoil.

Earlier today (August 5), a report came out saying that since the engagement Ed has not only slept with one woman and attempted to with another, but was also texting and keeping in contact with both throughout the duration of the show.

Of these allegations, Ms Harris told press, “There’s a little bit of anxiety that comes with this news, but I am absolutely not destroyed.”

Harris not only trusts her fiance, but she adds she’s really only concerned with what has happened after their engagement took place, telling, “I know that any communication he had with the girls post-show was platonic. I’m not worried about it.”

 Harris  Harris  Harris  Harris


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