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Megan Fox Loves Kissing Girls

Megan Fox Loves Kissing Girls


Surprise, surprise - more TMI from Megan Fox, who just can’t seem to keep her perfect lips shut. The actress told our pals over at MTV News that she’s way more comfortablekissing women than men. In her new flick, Jennifer’s Body, Fox sucks face with the nymph-like Amanda Seyfried, who apparently doesn’t share Fox’s lady lust.

“I feel much safer with girls, so I felt more comfortable kissing her in the movie than kissing any of the other people that I had to kiss,” Fox said of her co-star. “I think she was extremely uncomfortable. I don’t think that — I know that. She was not comfortable and there was a lot of laughing — like, giggling fits that happened in between takes.”

Hey, give the girl a break, Megs. Not everyone is as secure in their sapphic desires as you are. Besides, maybe she was just nervous to be kissing the sexiest woman in the world?


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